Changes to my study program馃Ψ

In this post I will talk about what I think that could change in the study program of my career, well, I am not graduated yet, in fact, I am in my third semester of Odontology in the Universidad de Chile, so I suppose that my opinion could change in the future. My university has a very complete plan for Odontology, but that does not means that all the things are useful, at least for me.

In some subjects, there are units that are extremely far of what Odontology is, for example, why I must know the names of muscles and bones of the feet if I am supposed to be totally focused on the head and neck? The worst of all is that those things are not easy and they only overshadow the important things that we must learn.

An important thing is that in Odontology subjects, we have to read documents of how to make a process, and that does not enough for learning how to make it, I think that if teachers show us videos of the process, it could be easier for us to learn.

To finish, in terms of technology, I have heard of others universities that use VR technology to simulate operations and too much other crazy things, well, I am not saying that my university it is totally obsolete, but most of the fake-heads that we use in simulation seem to be very old and some of them are broken.

In conclusion, the idea is not saying that my university it is the worst place to study Odontology, it is only to show some minimum details that, in my opinion, could change to better.,


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