Time travel to the future

Sincerely, I do not like the idea of travel to the future, I do not want my expectations to get spoiled, but in the case that I have to do it anyway, I think I would like to travel after my death, the idea of meeting myself in the future it is creepy. So, I would like to travel to 2522, it would be very interesting to know all the new technologies and scientific advancements discovered and created in five hundred years. I only hope that in 2522 humanity has not got extinct yet and it is not an apocalyptic future. 

Maybe, who knows, I could be an historic character, and someone wrote a book about my life or something like that. I want to know how all the world changed in five hundred years, but principally Chile, my country, maybe it is a world power. 

I do not want to stay there, I like the present and people who lives in, the future could be better in certain terms, but there are no people who knows me.


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