English Language Challenges


I remember that in high school, I used to love English, because the activities and learning methods were different from the other subjects, with funny homework and group activities. So, I was excited for taking English in the university, and I can say that I’m totally grateful with it, this subject was not hard, and the posts and videos were not a stressful work, the topics of them were funny and original.

I think that My English level it is fine, of course I can improve it, but for now, it’s not a priority for me, I can understand the principal ideas of an English video. In the next summer, I would like to play and learn from “Duolingo,” because it is a funny way to learn languages and it will help to improve my English.

I use English for watching videos or to read scientific articles, it is helpful to understand most of them. I am grateful of having a decent level of English, after all, we live in a society where it is hard to learn new things without not knowing the basics of this language.


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